
The lost weapon of the human race

The lost weapon of the human race

What if we told you that deep within you lies an ancient power that is encoded into your DNA, all you have to do is u... more

Why Your Gut Feeling Might Be Real

Why Your Gut Feeling Might Be Real

Read this only if you fit into 1 of these 2 groups.  1- You feel something weird happening to you when you think abo... more

Why Geniuses take afternoon naps

Why Geniuses take afternoon naps

Afternoon naps,You know you want one but can you have one?  Once a beautiful concept that was a part of our daily rou... more

Why You Suck At Forming Better Habits

Why You Suck At Forming Better Habits

Why is it easier to form a not so good habit Vs an actually good habit?  more

De-coding the 8 hour sleep rule

De-coding the 8 hour sleep rule

Who said you need to sleep for 8 hours ? who made this a thing and why do we all feel the need to follow it ? more

Why we procrastinate

Why we procrastinate

Why is it so difficult to not procrastinate? more